Arisen Synopsis
Ever since the fateful year of 2020, Earth has become reincarnated due to the repetition of three catastrophic galactic bursts (CGB) that occurred within its solar system. Reborn anew, a hybrid of humans has forged their own legacy by reconstructing civilization however; The accumulation of hollow exitium and the countless loss of human lives have shadowed their hearts. Therefore, a world built upon various strong religious beliefs have shaped the new Earth, Ethos. The Ethosians have prevented two CGBs from causing their extinction due to the physical manifestation of two internal abilities known as Seishin and Zokusei. Harnessing this force has granted peace among the six sanctuaries. The Sanctuary of New Eden known for the belief, Christianity, bustles with crowds of elated citizens and new unparalleled technology. Unfortunately, one event that hasn't changed is the birth of "infected" babies known as Remnants. Once the mother gives birth, the baby is inspected for any traces of the Hinogami mutagen. If found the infant is disposed of outside New Eden’s walls and left for prey. One day, Taika Yuudaino, a young adult, awakens in this “infected” state in a cryptic unversed world. When he arises, his vision is quickly welcomed by the sight of bizarre ominous creatures known to the New Eden people as, Hinogami. Although Unmoved by his situation, he notices that he is underneath a huge widespread tree that radiates a welcoming pure light. An entity in white approaches while uttering, "The place for which you seek can be found through the blinded eyes of the fake. . ." It then points up toward a mask. Will this mask lead to mass liberation or eternal exitium?

Purnell, Ronald A. “Still Liberation.” Prisma Markers and Digital Art; Drawing; 20 inches by 16 inches. 2016.

Creations through Commitment
~Research Experience~
John Quincy Adams; The originator of the proverb, “try and fail, but don’t fail to try”, was one of many life teachings my grandmother bequeathed to her grandchildren. Through recollection, the true message to be fully derived from her life excursion is commitment. The experience I’ve gained from the Summer Fellows research opportunity was soulfully enhancing. I’d like to inquiry on the opportunity to spread the physical and spiritual life lesson that I’ve encompassed with my fellow University of Delaware students. The location of interest I’d like to place this statuette is at Old College.
This area is the ideal setting for the piece because Old College is literally the crux of University of Delaware’s historical beginnings. My statuette’s function is to serve as a reminder of why the collective student body should strive for absolute commitment to themselves. If one can’t commit 100% to oneself, is there anything in life they can truly commit to? During my research, I’ve learned what it’s like to succeed, fail, and commit. These three components are within our hearts locked away. To appropriately unlock one’s true potential they should allow themselves time to reminisce within their mind, body, and soul. God will convey in his own way their identity; Entirely as an individual, their divine lively purpose, and their inner most desires. The important first step to commitment is to ground oneself.
Creations through Commitment
~Live Personal Feed~